Tuesday, April 3, 2012

CS1: Raise the Banner...

My Orders came packed within the cold, green serum they used to revive me from the oblivion I had earned in the service to the Tsanish Host, the Immortal Court of the Silver Key, and the Pallid Empress. I didn't need the serum. Not really. But it was protocol and I suspect it allowed the quartermaster to insinuate a few molecular-level fail safes into what passed for my blood after all these years. It didn't bother me. Most of the modifications I'd had happened Off-Earth and Out-System; they weren't registered, recorded or even detectable until I passed through the correct attuned Resonance effect. So, to all intents and purposes, I was perfectly safe. The Overseers felt more comfortable thinking that I was on a proper leash. So I played along. The dead can afford to be patient. Besides, I had a plan.