Tuesday, April 10, 2012

CS2: Beat the Drum...

I was there when they Dhole-Bombed Mars. My unit was the last to leave. Last to escape. I watched the world die as we were evacced by commandeered Belt-Pods. Our entire fleet was fighting a pointless holding action around Jupiter. Pointless. The Yuggothians, or so we were told, wound up crashing a hyper-accelerated mass of anti-matter right into the heart of the old gas giant. I wonder if it finally smoldered long enough to form a small star or not. I've been Inactive for over a century. If they still measure time the same way as we used to, if they still count their calendar from the same baseline we used to use. I'm not allowed to have the implants that Nobles used to take for granted when I was last Awake. No access to the datanets means no one can hack my brain. At least not easily. My skull, my entire skeleton has been reinforced, augmented, hardened. I've walked through killing fields that fried anyone not able to cope with the hard radiation left behind by some of the less pleasant little parting gifts left for us on worlds we'd liberated or repatriated. Nearly all of those planets, and several more that I'd never heard of before were all gone now. Destroyed. Reduced to slag, rubble and dust. The new enemies didn't care about planetary surfaces much. Unlike the Vhoorlis or the Yuggothians who were partial to oceans. These new bastards didn't care for anything. They just destroyed everything. Total War. My kind of fight.