Thursday, June 14, 2012

Interceptscript 1

Interceptscript 11236_Balaoo

"Is it the one?"

"I think so. Yes. All the signs and indications are positive."

"What about Worms?"

"No sign of any of that--though it is extensively honeycombed with pockets--"

"We expected that--"

"Of course. However, it's a lot heavier than we'd counted on. We're going to need help."

"Help? I don't like the sound of this."

"You won't. I'm sure."

"Oh no. Not them. You can't be serious, not after the last time..."

"Only the Martense Asterclan have the expertise--unless you'd rather talk to the Worms..."

"No. Never."

"So do we contact the Martense Rep, or what?"

"I don't know. This is something for the Captain--"

"He's in the Chapel."



"Shit. Well, let's send in a drone and let him know that we've arrived. He probably has a plan. He usually does."

"Yeah, the undead are like that."

"At least he's not Tsanish or one of those sporeheads."

"Yeah, but it does make you kind of wonder how he knew it would be out here, just coasting along with the other debris leftover from the last war. All abandoned and forgotten like some shitty old protogoth manor out in the middle of nowhere."

"Maybe it's haunted?"

"Aren't you just ultra-frikkin-cheerful today? Whatever--I'll go get the Captain myself."

"You don't think we'll run into any shoggoths when we board it, do you?"

"How would I know? Why not ask Kez--she's the Nav-Witch."

"I'll just shut up now."


Interceptscript Interrupted
Connection Dropped